
We make it
all about you.

Happy Founders

Who we are

Stratem is a Salesforce implementation partner founded by a group of individuals who knew partnerships could be done better. After working with (or for) many of the large partners in the space, we came to realize that while many partners boasted putting the customer first, in practice most of them didn’t. A successful partnership is built on common goals. Once your goals are established, clearly defined, and understood, they become our goals and how we measure our performance both internally as a team and externally to our clients.

We were determined to found an organization that truly reorients itself to its clients. We’re white glove in that we would rather over communicate than under communicate, and every decision we make is in the best interest of both our companies. We provide extensive documentation on all work done and take the approach that your Salesforce environment should be a reflection of what works for you, and not what is easiest for us. If you have specific metrics you want to achieve, let us know, and those are the metrics our team will use to judge their success.

Stratem is, at its heart, a company about partnerships. That’s who we are, and that’s who we’ll always be.


Get in touch

We know finding the right Salesforce partner can be tricky. Many of them pour hundreds of thousands (if not millions) into slick marketing campaigns that tell you how great they’ll treat you, when in reality you’re just another number in a monthly quota.

At Stratem, service is personal, professional, and consistent. Interested in a partnership? Let us know and we will provide a free analysis and consultation of your organization with a pricing model that suits your needs.

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